How does one define what home means to them?  A place where you feel safe, loved, have cherished memories.  I feel that today the emphasis in our lives has become so superficial that we forget the simplest things are often the most valuable. 

It’s perhaps an oxymoron that someone like me who has never been the most trendiest of people should be involved in selling art to beautify the home.  

But to me beauty is when something is not just pleasant to look at or matches the couch, but brings warmth and emotion into the room as well, be it the living room, dining room or bedroom. It doesn’t matter if the home is high end interior decorated, or humble and simple, the personalization of every room is very affected by what we hang on the walls.  

To some it might be a beautiful scene of Jerusalem or some other Judaic or Biblical scene, and to others it could be a wild array of flowers or a striking wilderness that is both bold and abstract and layered with meaning.

It’s funny, as you can imagine, there are many paintings in my home, yes in every room, and sometimes I rather take them for granted.  But when we recently painted the house and took them down for the week, the atmosphere was so dramatically different I couldn’t wait to put them back up. It was simply so cold and boring I found it unbearable.

I hope  you are able to fill your house with beautiful moments and memories and lovely things like art to look at.

It’s something that you might consider a worthwhile investment, after all, it’s your home.